Darkness Below Player Guide

What is Dark Below?

  Dark Below is an online VTTRPG using the Worlds Without Number rules. You can find the free ruleset here. The free rules will provide everything you need to get started. Let the GMs know when you are ready, and we will walk you through making your first character. Games will be run using Foundry, which can be accessed by any browser, and Discord Voice Chat.   Dark Below is a Westmarch-Style game. If you are not familiar with Westmarch games, the basics are:  
  • There will be more players than a traditional tabletop, and parties will not be the same players/characters every session.
  • There will be multiple GMs; you may not have the same GM every session.
  • There will be a heavy focus on exploration.
  • Sessions are Player-Driven, which means Players will be expected to choose what adventures to pursue, decide who is going, and work with GMs to schedule gaming sessions.
  • Characters may form their own factions, construct bases/outposts, craft items, and invent spells.


  Dark Below takes place in an Iterum, a different reality unrecognizable in many ways from your homeland. Your character has passed through an ancient, magical gateway into a world that has been sealed away for countless generations, which leads to a small temple inside the Iterum. You and your fellow adventurers will explore this mysterious region, filled with ancient ruins, dangerous creatures, and untold secrets. The tent town that has cropped up around the temple serves as your initial base of operations.  

Dark Below Code of Conduct

  You should be familiar with two documents which will cover most rules for participating in this game:  
  • #Rules of our Discord channel.
  • What Players and GM's Need to Bring, WWN free rulebook pg. 224.
  Further rules and expectations are as follows:  
  • While the GM's and players experienced with WWN will help you if you are not familiar with the rules, please take the time before your first gaming session to familiarize yourself with the basics, roughly pages 40-48 in the Free Rulebook.
  • Please do not ping GM's unless absolutely necessary. If you have asked for clarification or are otherwise waiting for a response, please wait at least a week before pinging us for a response.
  • This game is meant to be fun for everyone, including the GM's. It is everyone's responsibility to make the game fun for everyone. The game is open-invitation, but if your participation is a detriment to the overall community, your invitation can be revoked.
  • Characters can and will die. Sometimes heroically, sometimes tragically. To use videogame terminology, think of this game more like a Rogue-Like than you would a JRPG.
  • To avoid putting other players in difficult meta-game situations, assume anything you tell someone, you are telling them IC, even if you are posting in OOC sections of the Discord. I.E. if you want to keep a secret in-character, you must actually keep it a secret.

Articles under Darkness Below Player Guide