

  Downtime Activities are actions taken by characters between expeditions. These activities will almost always take place in Town. The activities available will be limited based on the resources the character can reasonably access while in the Town.  

Downtime Activities

  • Players are allotted 3 DTA's per season, available at the beginning of the season. Each DTA represents approximately a month of focused activity.
  • DTA's can be spent at any time during the season, except during expeditions. A GM will review DTA's and request any required dice rolls, and confirm the results. Once results are confirmed by the GM, the character receives said results. (What this means is: One character could spend all their DTA's before their first Expedition and use whatever they receive for the expedition, while another could wait until after their last Expedition of the season to spend their DTA's for the same season.)
  • Additional DT's can be earned as awards from the GM's for helping build the community.
  • Not every action a character takes requires a DTA. Some things that don't require spending DTA's are:
    • Roleplaying with other PC's
    • Trading between PC's
    • Purchasing available items from NPC merchants.
    • Casting a spell (unless it's being cast multiple times a day, every day).
    • Learn any number of spells that take a single day to learn.
  • Each DT activity taken should represent ~1 month of time focused on an activity: crafting, research, trading, foraging, etc. This time is not intended to be represented by an exact month per activity - a character who is foraging for the season might forage every morning, then work on other activities in the afternoon.
  • The results of the downtime activity are earned once a GM acknowledges the activity is complete.


  There are a few specific skills which we have codified for the ease of players and GM's.  

Trade and Connect

  Trade and Connect allow PCs to bring goods through the Black Gate from the Gyr into the Iterum. DC's and the maximum amount a character can bring in is calculated in the table below.  
  • Base cost of item sought: The individual item price sets your DC on a Connect test to see if you can find someone to bring the item(s) to you through the gate.
  • Max silver spend per DTA: Using the better of your trade or connect, this sets how much you can bring in in a single downtime activity.
  • Trade rolls: Trade can get you a discount on what you buy (this does not require a separate action). Trade can be used to arrange season-long discounts with the in-Iterum merchants as well.
Base cost of item sought Connect Roll Difficulty Max Silver spend for single DTA Best of Connect or Trade Skill Lv. Trade Roll Discount
1 sp DC 6 4 sp -1 DC 7 5.00%
25 sp DC 7 100 sp 0 DC 10 10.00%
100 sp DC 8 400 sp 1
250 sp DC 9 1000 sp 2
500 sp DC 10 2000 sp 3
1000 sp DC 11 unlimited 4
2000 sp DC 12


  Example #1: Pru (connect -1, trade -1, Char -1) wants to purchase a 50' rope (2 sp). He rolls 2d6-2 and rolls a total of 7, which just beats the connect DC of 7. Without any skill in trade or connect, if he succeeds he can bring in up to two ropes. He does not bother trying to haggle on price.   Example #2: Varia (connect 2, trade 1, Char 1) wants to purchase several sets of nobles clothes (500 sp). She rolls 2d6+4 and gets a 13, which beats the Connect DC of 10. If she succeeds, she can bring in 2 sets. She also rolls trade and gets an 8, which gets her a 5% discount. She buys 2 sets of noble clothing for 950 silver.  

Exporting Goods

  Exporting goods to the Gyr will generally follow the chart above, however the GM's may rule that certain items cannot be exported.  


  • A character must have an Administer or Lead skill of at least 0 to hire any assistants/hirelings. You may have 1+ the better of your Administer or Lead skill of hirelings at any one time.
  • Hirelings gained through the Henchkeeper focus do not count against this limit.
  • Factions have additional rules for hirelings.
  • Hirelings require oversight, or they become careless. A character may spend one DTA to oversee all their hirelings.
  • A player can use the DTA to manage how their skilled hirelings spend their own downtime. The character-in-charge makes an Administrate roll; on a 6+ each hireling produces 1 DTA that can be spent on activity they are skilled in. On a 10+ each hireling produces 2 DTA. You may only manage any given employee once per season.
  • You cannot hire NPCs to go exploring or do adventures for you. If you want to have an area explored and don't want to go yourself, hire another PC.

Example Downtime Activities

  This list does not cover all possible downtime activities, but is intended as an inspirational list. Players should feel free to bring up ideas with the GMs between game sessions. Some activities may require one or more die roll(s) to determine the outcome; others may not.  
  • Oversee all your henchmen. May require an Administer or Lead roll, unless they are directly assisting you (such as an apprentice aiding in crafting).
  • Buy items that are not available from a local merchant or sell items that do not have an immediate buyer. This will require a Connect roll to find a buyer/seller. If a trade roll is also called for, it does not require a separate DTA expenditure.
  • Negotiate a discount from a local merchant - good for the season. This requires a trade roll.
  • Mingle. Make a connect roll to gain access to an NPC that is difficult to meet with.
  • Craft: 1 DTAP = 4 weeks crafting time. The PC must have resources available in their current settlement to craft. Crafters may make a Trade roll to adjust the cost of their materials without spending additional DTAP's.
  • Earn Silver: Use any relevant skill to earn some silver - Perform, Work, Exert, are good examples. Income will be based on your roll and the compensation listed on pg. 342 for the service performed. The maximum results are capped based on the settlement size. Posted Jobs may have their own specific DC's and rewards.
  • Learn spells (WWN pg 62) or develop new spells (WWN pg 88)
  • Forage: A character may pass a DC 6 Survive test to halve the cost of the Impoverished lifestyle for the season. A character who successfully forages and owns Wilderness Travel Gear can pay nothing for the Impoverished lifestyle.
  • Training: A character may spend 5 DTA's to train a skill from -1 to 0 without spending skill points.
  • Selling in the Market: By spending 1 DTA, GM's will give you a merchant token for your character, which can be placed in Tent Town for other players to purchase the items you make available.