debilitating disease carried by ghouls that can potentially turn people into ghouls
tradition of wizardry relying heavily on ritual carving and chanting of specific mystic runes
magic sacks that store contents in an pocket realm of space connected to the astral plane
colloquial term for era starting with the end of the Second Unmaking and extending into the start of the Feudal Era
broad overview of how bounty hunters fit into Scarterran society
ordinary reindeer with a supernatural birth anomaly that makes them much larger
relatively small sized deer offshoot found in Scarterra's northern biomes
magical spear associated with the leadership of the Dirty Crow orc tribe
collars, bracelets, or manacles that lower the wearer's resistance against mind bending spells
term describing how mortals become stronger by achieving difficult or dangerous tasks
lengthy article discussing how the wide availability of divine magic impacts Scarterran society
dog-sized spiders that can weave webs to make crude parachutes to allow them to glide down on prey
broad class of eight legged predators with many off-shooting subspecies
beloved legendary healer celebrated by gnome storytellers centuries after her death
broad overview of acts of piracy and anti-piracy in Scarterra
Magic that can craft bones, antlers, and ivory into specialized weapons and tools
details on how potions are stored and dispensed for use in battle
potions designed to be thrown at a target rather than consumed by the target
tradition of wizardry that focuses on ritual and rote memorization attempting to minimize reliance on external tools and foci
tradition of wizardry that focuses on using the mage's body as a conduit for arcane forces, often via ritual tattoos or scarring
somewhat informal tradition of wizardry that aggressively assimilates aspect of the other traditions
mortals who gain arcane power by making a pact with a powerful otherworldly being