George Sanders Progress Report

Read the great stories submitted for the Worldember Prose Prompt.

Bard's Lute General Store

The largest general store in the North. Located in the city of Etonia in the old town district on the East side. It is a large two-story stone building. Originally it was used as a warehouse and remodeled by Ranon when the Etonia Council was established.

720 words

3rd Expeditionary Force

Each squad in the unit had two war wagons and gear to handle a variety of encounters. Individual guards were trained in the use of spears, shields, long bows, and swords.

758 words

Forest Roads

In the North, it rained a lot in the Spring. The roads were muddy paths at the best. Wildlife trails were better than the roads.

670 words

Very Short Stories and Threads

Very Short Stories, Sayings, and Threads from the Anhult Wildlands

16737 words

George Sanders Progress so far

18885 words 188.85% completed!

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Welcome to the Anhult Wildlands and Lavani's Domain.

To join in the adventure start with A Walk in the Wildlands or one of the links below!

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. Submit articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List page here on World Anvil.


Lavani walking
Lavani by Hal Foster

About My Writing

I aim to have an immersive experience when creating. It is important to me to aim for the same result for readers. Check out how I did, dip your toes into the Wildlands here on World Anvil. You'll find flash fiction and short stories with curated stock art and commissioned art.

The spark of my world started on a wall during an epic battle with The Swan of Thessali.

But the forest had my heart and it was far to the North. My Shipwright Challenge entry offers a glimpse into the journey to the Anhult Wildlands. Dìondair Malairt

In that forest I found Lavani and began writing short stories. She started a trend with Fashion from a Fey during the Costume Challenge (available for world followers).

Now there are stories being written about many from the forest. See the lore, get copies of short stories and books, how everything comes together behind the scenes by supporting me on Patreon.


Books and Products

The first adventure in my tabletop roleplaying game storyline is Mystery of Thorngage Manor. The 5e verstion of the adventure is published on DriveThruRPG and has a Roll20 VTT adaptation.

A Wildlands collaboration is on the horizon with Gege. We are creating decks of everyday items, that hold a twist or opportunity to uncover something new. They can be used as writing prompts, encounter ideas, or props. Gege does the art and I add the prose and poetry. Our first deck is available on DriveThruRPG

  I'm an Innkeeper and professional Dungeon Master. I run virtual games once a month at Virtual Play D&D Weekends. I also run monthly virtual games for Patreon subscribers in the Anhult Wildlands setting. View my game schedule and learn how to play in my world at my Experience the World page.