Two Sisters Under Obsession by Herculin
The Book of Canticles of the Holy Architect and The Lady (The Vulsrian Bible)
Reliquary of the Skull of the Highest Father Vallus Serrin
The Cryptical Scrolls Of Hsan
Umbra'Ell, Canesword of the first Crow
Game Set of Leweyd The Many-Ones
The Medallion of Winter and the Flakes of Traldar
Lorințus' Cursed Looking Glass
Huljake Noha, the Luminescent Orb
Perpetual Pouch of Prestidigitation
Seraph - The Dawnbringer and the Dusk Bearer (weapon)
Mithsran, Sword of Shadows
The Eagle of the Lost Land
The Lost Journal Entries of the First Listener
Etherion, Imperion, and Galvanizor
The Arcane Reactor and Transmission Tower (TARTT)
Anfarael (Faerie Flight Stones)
Chopes des héritiers de Grumlir
The Compass of Pedro Ataide (Brújula de Pedro Ataide)
Sixteen Totems of Trilenius [WASC2020]
Hofrin's Axe - The Humble Blade
Septograph der Holothuroidea
Ri'Otselen (Crown of the Seven Stars)