Vel'on The First Light and the creation of the Universe
The ghost in the hollow hill
A Sidhe-Ouro Tale of the Prince of Cats
The Saga of the Five-Tailed Wolf
The Shadow of the Steaming Forest
Aquake'ian "The ocean's comet"
The great Dragon of the north
Nobrin and the Dreamweaver
The Silver Pond of the Ginka Mountains
The Horrors of the Voru-Gai, the Blast Dragons
Beware the Stalker of the Stars!
Tale of the Accursed Warrior King
Dust Devil of the Parched Expanse
Fujimori and the Fox: Shrines of the Nonogawa Valley Myth
Les bêtes géantes de l'intercité
The Cliff Hopper and the Mountain Goat
The Almighty and the Birth of the World